
Capacity-Building for Space Sustainability: The role of government, industry, and civil society




July 23, 2020
9:00am — 11:00am ET

What are the most pressing challenges confronting governments, industry, and civil society in terms of building capacity for implementing international space sustainability guidelines, and what steps should each of these three sectors prioritize to build such capacity? Join our panel of leading international experts as they share their thoughts on how governments, industry, and civil society can jointly build capacity in the space community to support the implementation of the international guidelines for space sustainability recently adopted by the UN. For more background information on these guidelines, see our SWF Factsheet.

Join the discussion!

This webinar will start with a general introduction to the topic of discussion. We will then break out into three panels focusing on the role of government, industry, and civil society in building capacity for implementing international space sustainability guidelines. Participants in this webinar will be able to select the panel they wish to attend at the time of registration. At the end of the breakout sessions, we will reconvene to hear summaries from the moderators of the different panels. Registered participants will be able to submit questions during the webinar to the speakers for a moderated discussion. Participants who register by 26 June will also have an opportunity to shape the discussion by submitting a suggestion or question in advance.


Secure World Foundation


Secure World Foundation


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