About the Lab
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Blaga Ditrow

Blaga Ditrow / Zero Gravity Corporation / MIT Space Exploration Initiative

The MIT Media Lab faculty, staff, and students recognize that diversity, equity, and inclusion are more than just words; they demand action—action that values and welcomes each community member and their unique experiences and perspectives, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, and religion, among other attributes.


Clockwise from top left: Courtesy of Irmandy Wicaksono; David Silverman; Steve Boxall; Courtesy of Sara V. Fernandez

At the Media Lab, our research goals, community, and interdisciplinary methods of practice and scholarship aim to be inclusive and reflect the complexity of our world. We envision a community where we draw upon the strengths of our diversity to realize the full potential of our research, teaching, learning, innovation, and service for societal impact and broad, meaningful reach around the globe.

We affirm our commitment to a positive future where we foster an inclusive, safe, and supportive environment, equipping all community members with the opportunities to thrive. We recognize that we are a work in progress and commit to holding ourselves, the Media Lab community, accountable to these values through our actions moving forward.

See below for more about the Media Lab’s past and current efforts to support diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Diversity and Leadership Committee

To achieve our DEI aspirations, the Diversity and Leadership Committee works with the DEI Working Group to strategize, prioritize, and evaluate DEI programs and initiatives for the Media Lab. Each member of the Committee represents our constituencies: the students, faculty, and staff at the Media Lab. 

DEI Working Group

Carrying on the significant work of not just the Culture Working Group but also that of the Funding, Governance, Research and Student-Advisor groups, the DEI Working Group has been charged with continuing these efforts in a focused, strategic, and inclusive manner. 

2023 priorities of the Working Group:

  • recruit new members for 2023–2024
  • create and implement the Lab's first DEIB Pulse Survey
  • work with the MIT Center for Constructive Communication to launch RealTalk@the Media Lab
  • host our first Town Hall in the Fall of 2023

2022 priorities of the Working Group:


Top row, L-R: Gretchen Ertl; Jimmy Day; Gretchen Ertl. Bottom: Photo by Joe Berkeley

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