The ML Learning Initiative has merged into the Digital Learning + Collaboration Studio!
The ML Learning Initiative has merged into the Digital Learning + Collaboration Studio!
More than 30 years ago, Media Lab founding faculty member Seymour Papert laid the foundation for a new theory of learning through construction. He created tools for children to be designers and creators, rather than just consumers of technology, positing that learning happens best when people are actively constructing knowledge through creative experimentation and the design of sharable objects. Today, the ML Learning Initiative is built on similar principles of creative learning and aims to bring the collective creativity of the Media Lab to bear on the future of learning.
The ML Learning Initiative is built around a cohort of Learning Fellows from across the diverse Media Lab groups. In addition to supporting this community, the ML Learning core team is passionate about developing public education programs that open up Media Lab research and expertise to the world. With a pedagogy of creative learning in mind, we design online and blended learning experiences, publish open access curricula, and cultivate social and creative online learning communities.