3D reconstruction from a single-view is challenging because of the ambiguity from monocular cues and lack of information about occluded reg…
Consider a small object sitting on a desk in your living room. The object is illuminated by light sources from all directions—this includes…
The full text of our paper is available here.Sometimes the thing that we want to see is hidden behind something else. A neighboring vehicl…
What we can do if the screen in videoconference rooms can turn into an interactive display? With Kinect camera and sound sensors, We explor…
Computer vision uncovers predictors of physical urban change
StreetScore is a machine learning algorithm that predicts the perceived safety of a streetscape. StreetScore was trained using 2,920 images…
Millions of people worldwide need glasses or contact lenses to see or read properly. We introduce a computational display technology that p…
Surface and object recognition is of significant importance in ubiquitous and wearable computing. While various techniques exist to infer c…
We introduce Zensei, an implicit sensing system that leverages bio-sensing, signal processing, and machine learning to classify uninstrumen…
We propose a flexible light-field camera architecture that represents a convergence of optics, sensor electronics, and applied mathematics.…
We present coded focal stack photography as a computational photography paradigm that combines a focal sweep and a coded sensor readout wit…
Consumer photography is undergoing a paradigm shift with the development of light field cameras. Commercial products such as those by Lytro…
Tensor displays are a family of glasses-free 3D displays comprising all architectures employing (a stack of) time-multiplexed LCDs illumina…
Motion sensing is of fundamental importance for user interfaces and input devices. In applications where optical sensing is preferred, trad…
We introduce polarization field displays as an optically efficient design for dynamic light field display using multi-layered LCDs. Such di…
We are developing tomographic techniques for image synthesis on displays composed of compact volumes of light-attenuating material. Such vo…
We introduce a novel interactive method to assess cataracts in the human eye by crafting an optical solution that measures the perceptual i…
How can we show our 16-megapixel photos from our latest trip on a digital display? How can we create screens that are visible in direct sun…
With over a billion people carrying camera-phones worldwide, we have a new opportunity to upgrade the classic bar code to encourage a flexi…
Recently, multi-view display hardware has made compelling progress in graphics. Soundaround is a multi-viewer interactive audio system, des…
For 3D displays to be successful, they must be bright enough to compete with 2D displays and not diminish display resolution. To date, stac…
The BiDi Screen is an example of a new type of thin I/O device that possesses the ability both to capture images and display them. Scene de…
EmBuddy is a digital creature that senses its user's stress levels via an EEG headset. When EmBuddy's user is stressed, EmBuddy will wiggle…
Computer vision is a class of technologies that lets computers use cameras to automatically stitch together panoramas, reconstruct 3D geome…
Light field camera have inherent trade offs between spatial and angular resolution. We mathematically model the image capture in light fiel…