
Space Enabled welcomes Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar and Chelsea Barabas




Team Space Enabled is pleased to announce that Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar and Chelsea Barabas are new members of the team! Both are doctoral students in the Program on Media Arts and Sciences.

Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar began his Doctoral studies in the Center for Civic Media and has now transitioned to Space Enabled. He received his Bachelor’s of Sciences in Linguistics from the National University of Colombia, where he worked primarily on articulatory phonetics and signal processing. He did his masters with the Personal Robots group at the MIT Media Lab, where he focused on designing mechanisms to foster children's socio-emotional skills, such as empathy, through interactions with social robots. Currently, he studies and documents Latin American ancestral technologies, as well as the design practices that led to their existence. He uses insights from this work to propose participatory design methods that can lead to the development of more sustainable technologies. 


Pedro Reynolds-Cuellar

Chelsea Barabas examines the history and expansion of surveillance and data-intensive reforms in the criminal legal system. She works with an amazing group of interdisciplinary researchers, community organizers, and government officials to unpack and transform mainstream narratives around public safety and data-driven decision making. She is also currently a Technology Fellow at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Formerly,  she received her M.S. in Comparative Media Studies at MIT and was a research scientist for the AI Ethics and Governance Initiative at the MIT Media Lab.

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