Vice President: International Astronautical Federation
Dr. Minoo Rathnasabapathy serves as the Vice President at the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), overseeing the Education and Workforce Development. Since her appointment in 2018, Dr Rathnasabapathy has created more activities, workshops and programmes in order to encourage and prepare the workforce of tomorrow. This includes the IAF Launchpad Mentorship Programme, helping launch the careers of aerospace professionals around the world through one-to-one mentorship to achieve their career and professional development goals. As part of her VP role, she also chairs the Next Generation Coordination Committee, and oversees the IAF Emerging Space Leaders and Young Space Leaders Programme.
Since 2018, Dr. Rathnasabapathy has set three key priorities under her portfolio, building upon the IAF's “3G” diversity initiative – focused on geography, generation and gender. These include:
- Increasing membership and engagement of students and Young Professionals in IAF Technical Committees
- Increasing opportunities for participation of students and Young Professionals from emerging space nations
- Advancing career-development initiatives and highlight IAF trajectories
"By building upon existing programs, the federation is poised to take a
leadership role in increasing career-development initiatives to not only attract the next generation of space professionals, but importantly, ensure their retention in our industry, and
the IAF in the long-term."
As a Vice President at the IAF, Dr. Rathnasabapathy believes that is is necessary to build the leadership pipeline by engaging the next generation of space professionals to
support the sustainability and scalability of the IAF.